Surah Az Zilzal – سورة الزلزلة

Surah Az Zilzal (سورة الزلزلة) Read Online

Surah Az Zilzal is the 99th Surah and found in the 30th Parah of the Holy Quran. This Surah contains 8 verses 39 words 158 letters, and it is revealed in “Madina” so-referred as the “Madni” Surah. And this surah is called the earthquake.

Surah Az Zilzal Verses Surah Az Zilzal Words Surah Az Zilzal letters Surah Az Zilzal Rukus
8 39 158 1

Read Surah Az Zilzal Arabic – سورة الزلزلة مكتوبة

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ

اِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ الْاَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَاۙ(۱) وَ اَخْرَجَتِ الْاَرْضُ اَثْقَالَهَاۙ(۲) وَ قَالَ الْاِنْسَانُ مَا لَهَاۚ(۳) یَوْمَىٕذٍ تُحَدِّثُ اَخْبَارَهَاۙ(۴) بِاَنَّ رَبَّكَ اَوْحٰى لَهَاؕ(۵) یَوْمَىٕذٍ یَّصْدُرُ النَّاسُ اَشْتَاتًا ﳔ لِّیُرَوْا اَعْمَالَهُمْؕ(۶) فَمَنْ یَّعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَیْرًا یَّرَهٗؕ(۷) وَ مَنْ یَّعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ شَرًّا یَّرَهٗ۠(۸)
